Ini File For Skyrim Pc

My Skyrim Launcher says it can't Locate the INI File that I have to reinstall. But nothing happens. Hping3 For Windows.

I started playing Skyrim and got the 'Unbound' achievement. I was having a couple of performance issues, so I exited and tweaked the SkyrimPrefs.ini file, but now I've just completed Bleak Falls Barrow and I haven't received the achievement.

Skyrim Ini File LocationIni File For Skyrim Pc

I did the FOV change in the console also, but immediately left the game (without saving), so I can't see that having affected it. (Or could it?) Any idea if changing the.ini could break the achievements? Maybe its because I edited the one in C: Program Files (x86) Steam steamapps common skyrim Skyrim, and not C: Users Documents My Games Skyrim?

This entry was posted on 3/30/2018.