Black Ops 2 English Files

Black Ops 2 File Download

Rules • All post should be relevant to Black Ops 3. If your post wouldn't be Black Ops 3 related without the title, it will be removed. • Use the current stickied thread if it is available. If there's a major topic, it's likely stickied to the top of the subreddit, keep related conversations within the sticky. • No Memes, Image Macros, or Reaction.GIFs These are considered low quality content and are not welcomed on this subreddit. • No Hacking/Exploiting/Glitching related content.

This includes videos or reports of hackers. Capcom X-men Vs Street-fighter. Please report these to. • No Live Streams, these are time sensitive and can clutter up a subreddit.

Official Call of Duty/Treyarch Streams are allowed. • No Party Up Threads or Clan Recruiting. • No Repetitive Topic Threads.

Please use the search function prior to submitting, and if you must rehash, bring something new to the conversation. • No Challenge Complete, Scoreboard Screenshot, etc. These become repetitive and can clutter the subreddit.

You're not the only one who has Dark Matter and Hero Armor. • No Giveaways/Sales/Trades.

This includes: requests for Merchandise, Credits, Codes, or Points. • Please use to submit Clips.

Nov 9, 2010 - If you bought or will buy cheap russian or german steam key you will need english localization files for playing game in english. How to install? Set Regedit 3. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 4. Software / Activision / Call of duty Black ops 5. Change language to ENG RUS.

If you must post a YouTube link make sure it's relevant and not regurgitating information that's already present on the subreddit. Quality Original Content please. • No Self-Promotion of YouTube Channels.

Posting content is allowed, the Mods will use their discretion as to what to remove and what to keep based on. • No Spamming.: • Not Okay: Submitting only links to your blog or personal website, posting the same content repeatedly in multiple subreddits. • Okay: Submitting links from a variety of sites and sources, submitting links from your own site, talking with redditors in the comments, and also submitting cool stuff from other sites. • No Answered Questions If the answer to your post can be found within the sub or a Google search it will be removed. If the user says he could not find something a mod will then use their own judgment • Censor usernames Content which shows a user in a negative light (for example, screenshots of a user trolling) must have all usernames censored in order to counter 'witch-hunting'.

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This entry was posted on 2/27/2018.