Send File Via Socket Delphi

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Oct 17, 2014 Embarcadero Discussion Forums ยป Delphi. Send file via Bluetooth XE7. If so then create a client socket that connects to that UUID and send the.

Hello, I want to send a file from a VCL XE7 project to a connected device via Bluetooth. To do this I use the unit with System.Bluetooth classes: TBluetoothManager, TBluetoothDevice, TBluetoothSocket. I can see the list of available devices and pair with the one I want: FBluetoothManager.StartDiscovery(4000); FBluetoothManager.OnDiscoveryEnd:= DevicesDiscoveryEnd.

FAdapter.Pair(FDiscoverDevices[ComboBoxDevices.ItemIndex]); I can also list the services available on the paired device: LDevice:= FPairedDevices[ComboboxPaired.ItemIndex] as TBluetoothDevice; LServices:= LDevice.GetServices; for I:= 0 to LServices.Count - 1 do ComboBoxServices.Items.Add(LServices[I].Name + ' -->' + GUIDToString(LServices[I].UUID)); My problem arises here, I do not know how to send a file from its services. Thank you Mr Lebeau for your help. Now I create only one client socket.

I did some search about GenericFileTransfer service but I don't know the full 128bit UUID. Here is my code: if FSocket nil then FSocket. Soul Food Season 3 Torrent Download more. Free; LDevice:= FPairedDevices[ComboboxPaired.ItemIndex] as TBluetoothDevice; LServices:= LDevice.GetServices; FSocket:= LDevice.CreateClientSocket(StringToGUID(ServiceGUI), False); FSocket.Connect; Stream:= TFileStream.Create( 'C: Temp testSend.png', fmOpenRead); try Stream.Read(ToSend[0], SizeOf(ToSend)); finally Stream.Free; end; FSocket.ReadData; FSocket.SendData(ToSend); Thus, If anyone knows the128bit UUID? Thanks for your help. You are right Remy lebeau, With my android device (tablet) I didn't see 'File Transfer' in services list. I'm looking with another device (PC with Windows 8), and I see now the 'File Transfer' service.

This entry was posted on 6/17/2018.