Diablo 2 Lvl 99 Chars Games

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General Guidelines: [ ] • Players should always try to accomplish these steps in full games since the amount of experience increases per player in the game. • Asking a higher level character to help clear areas may be better if their speed makes up for the level penalty. • Melee players may get their weapons (and mercenary's weapons) by a Sorceress to provide a dps boost. • Gain access to areas by having higher level characters share waypoints.

Some areas will require the completion of quests to advance. • Don't put yourself at risk of death in and since the penalty on death is 5% and 10% respectively.

Diablo 2 Game Guide

This is particularly important for players as well, for obvious reasons. Stages: [ ] • Level 1 - 15: Repeatedly clear. • Level 15 - 24: Clear in the. • Level 24: Complete. • Level 25 - 40: Repeatedly clear the and. • Level 40: Complete (nightmare difficulty).

• Level 41-60: Repeatedly clear the and (nightmare difficulty). • Level 60: Complete (hell difficulty).

• Level 61-99: Repeatedly kill (hell difficulty). ] References [ ].

Intro In spite of not having played the game for a year and a half I still find myself thinking and theorycrafting every now and then. After playing the game in so many different ways and completed so many 'feats' over the years there's only a few aspects of the game that still motivates me. I write this thread to get it out of my head and make it available for others should anyone want to pursue this goal one day in our dear old game.

These are my notes on the strategies and ideas involved in reaching level 99 as fast as possible in a 'feasible' (hardcore mode) no-trade/untwinked multiplayer setting (a ladder reset/race if you will). I will skip over a number of aspects and concepts as I don't intend to write something elaborate and complete for an old game that has already been explored. In 2011 members of a German D2 community site came up with such a strategy for softcore; they theorized that it would be possible to hit 99 in less than a week after a ladder reset. To complete that feat they would need a large group of experienced D2 players however - partially because of the cd-key/games per hour restriction on battle.net. They managed to reach level 98 in just under a week but decided to abort the attempt as they did not have enough players and the players they did had did not have enough experience in performing Baal runs - a topic that was not covered in their plan;! Cyberlink Media Suite 10 Ultra Torrent Download on this page. While not a record attempt I managed to hit 99 in just 29 days after ladder reset that very season under the same premise - only it was on hardcore and with much fewer players: There was a lot of room for improvement in that attempt other than just having more players/playing more hours per day as the emphasis wasn't on setting a record.

Starting from scratch So here goes my thoughts and ideas on a better approach: The first thing to consider is the initial party composition - the balance to find here is having a group that can complete the game as fast as possible while also being capable of performing very fast Baal-runs afterwards. The ideal group is one of each class with an additional sorceress: Sorceress (Blizzard) - Main character, the most suited candidate for reaching 99 quickly Amazon (Lightning Fury) - Clears throne and kills Baal very fast Necromancer (Corpse Explosion, Lower Resist) - Crowd control and LR+CE for fast clears.

This entry was posted on 2/10/2018.