Coolorus Photoshop

Coolorus PhotoshopPhotoshop Color Picker Plugin

Color picker plugin for Adobe Photoshop. Simple and clean interface, fast, responsive, scalable, with color schemes and RGB/RYB modes - all digital painter needs. Oct 16, 2012 - Coolorus, the color extension for Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Flash that adds a more modern and accessible color wheel to workflows has recently updated to version 1.0, making Coolorus completely CS6 compatible with the new CS6 Color Themes. You probably know the Corel Painter color wheel. Australia.fbl Map 2012.

So i formatted my harddrive, and lost a plugin for photoshop, a painters wheel thingy that i dowloaded some time ago. I searched for a while, but cant find it, all that i get is one by len white, and the others are not free. The one i had was customizable, you could change between different shapes, triangle, square or circle, and it also had the regular sliders in it. It was also free. I would be really happy to find it again, i got really comfortable with it.

But if anybody has another suggestion for a free colour picker that works simular to the painters wheel, im all open. What do you guys use? A lot of Photoshop Plugins broke in the CC2014 release because they changed how Panels work. Instead of utilizing Flash, CC2014 panels use HTML5, so plugin authors have to update. You can still get CC through the AdobeCloud app to run Colorous, and other non-updated plugins. I use old CC and Colorous. I love it, takes a little time to get used to the fact that you have to click into your document (off of the panel) after picking a color.

This entry was posted on 6/1/2018.