Biodiversidad La Riqueza De Bolivia Pdf

La Biodiversidad En El Mundo

La biodiversidad es la variedad de especies animales y vegetales en su medio ambiente.Bolivia. Algunas fotos que describen la riqueza y variedad natural de. In: Ibisch P.L. And Me´rida G. (eds), Biodiversidad: La Riqueza de. Editorial Fundacio´n Amigos de la Naturaleza (FAN), Santa Cruz, pp. Kessler M., Bach K., Helme N., Beck S. And Gonza´lez J. Floristic diversity of Andean dry forests in Bolivia–an overview. In: Breckle S.W., Schweizer B. We introduce the concept of a prodromus for a flora to the ferns and lycophytes of Bolivia, describe the natural setting of Bolivia (topography, climate, vegetation), briefly review the history of pteridological. PDF/A (884KB) Restricted Access. (Eds.) (2003) Biodiversidad: La Riqueza de Bolivia. Rome: FAO fileadmin/user_upload/ags/publications/ investment_funds.pdf Geist H and Lambin E. Proximate causes and underlying. National forest law and indigenous forest management in lowland Bolivia. Santa Cruz, Bolivia: FOMABO. Biodiversidad: la riqueza de Bolivia. Santa Cruz, Bolivia:.

• 64 Downloads • Abstract We estimate plant species richness of Bolivian Andean dry valleys applying the species/genus ratio of Compositae to all reported genera for those regions. The results suggest the existence of around 1500 species in the Bolivian dry valleys (12.6% more than the species recorded). A brief biogeographical analysis of our results suggests that the use of species/genus ratio of Compositae to estimate the size of the flora in Bolivian Andean dry valleys should be considered with caution, since the central Andes are geologically very young, and explosive speciation processes have taken place only in some taxa (mainly in Bromeliaceae and Cactaceae). We offer some evidence pointing to the possibility that the Andean dry valleys may possess many more species than suggested by the Compositae species/genus ratio.

We discuss the implications of our estimation for conservation of the Andean dry valleys, which only represent 0.7% of the protected area of Bolivia. Twincat 3 1 Keygen Software there. - A unique feature of this book is its strong practice-oriented nature: it contains a wide range of papers dealing with the social, economic and political aspects of climate change, exemplifying the diversity of approaches to climate change management taking place all over the world, in a way never seen. The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change.

This entry was posted on 5/23/2018.